ATEX certified switchgearDiak designed and built programmed foundry sand circulation systemSupply of IC industrial computersDiak designed and built boiler control stationAssembling a EPROM programmed IC process control stationBoiler control panel
ATEX certified switchgear
Diak designed and built programmed foundry sand circulation system
Supply of IC industrial computers
Diak designed and built boiler control station
Assembling a EPROM programmed IC process control station
Assembling a DIAK designed capacitance float sensor for moisture measurement
Diak designed process control panel
Diak designed and built pumphouse control cabinet
Process timer panels
Diak designed and built boiler control panel (rear view)
Industrial process control computers supplied and programmed
Assembling a DIAK designed capacitance float sensor for moisture measurementDiak designed process control panelDiak designed and built pumphouse control cabinet_1Process timer panels
Industrial process control computers